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[ROM] [12 SEP] Desires S Android 2.3.5 Sense 3.0 {v0.9} [new build 2.65.968.5]

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[ROM] [12 SEP] Desires S Android 2.3.5 Sense 3.0 {v0.9} [new build 2.65.968.5] Empty [ROM] [12 SEP] Desires S Android 2.3.5 Sense 3.0 {v0.9} [new build 2.65.968.5]

Message par Phildu91 Lun 12 Sep 2011 - 22:44

source xda
Build version: 2.65.968.5
Desire S Android 2.3.5 Sense 3.0 v0.9
Based on Desire S ROM build: 2.65.968.5
Android Gingerbread 2.3.5
Full Sense 3.0 with All Widgets
Unity v4 Kernel (OC up to 1.7ghz)
EXT 4 FS Support
Fully Deodexed
Advanced Power menu
Gingerbread Keyboard
All Sense 3.0 Widgets
Latest Gapps (Maps, Gmail & Youtube)
Custom Boot & Down Animations (Black HTC)
Andrev_OC Overclock System
Ram & 3D Tweaks (thx Android Revolution team)
Hide ADB Notification
Power+Home Screenshot addon
Supported Languages: English, Czech, German, Espanol, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Norwegian, Korean, Greek, Turkish, Swedish, Danish, Portuguese, Finnish, Thai, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Croatian..

v0.9 [12-SEP]
new build 2.65.968.5 rhinoking release (big thx rhinoking)
all issues are gone (mirror app, reverted front camera fixed)
Newest Gapps
Andrev_OC App added
Battery percentage
overscroll glow effect
power+home screenshot function added
new Rosie (with new icon background)
and init.d tweaks for improve speed

Nombre de messages : 5366
Age : 58
Localisation : Essonne
Emploi/loisirs : Ingénieur Support Clients/Pêcheur aux carnassiers
Appareil(s) possédé(s) : HTC Desire S / HTC Diamond
Opérateurs : Orange

Date d'inscription : 07/12/2008

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